Snaking river reflects a crimson evening sky
Ripples of water briefly fractured
Zambezi gushing by
Star light and mystery
Hang motionless and warm
Echo of harmony from the elephants
Nature’s perfect life forms
Shadowy moonlight casts a silvery glow
Embracing gently and illuminating
An enchanting scene below
Drowsy serenity: elephants eating their fill
Small calves slumbering
Bewitched by moonlit goodwill
Slowly the night shadows fade
Dawn emerges, veined with gold braid
Sunshine slips softly through the canopy of trees
Elephant rumbles carry: melodious on the breeze
The valley’s morning breath: sweet and warm
Whispers of optimism in the early morn
Elephants moving lightly with a mystical flow
Auras reflecting a soulful glow
Joy and warmth surrounds them, Africa’s gentle giants
Help to save our elephants
Act with compliance
Say no to ivory
Respect the ivory ban
Tusks belong to elephants
Elephants belong on the land
This is such a beautiful poem! Your words are incredible and make me yearn for the African soil and the hot sweet scent of the Zambezi valley! Elephants do belong on the land – and I hope I can take my children and their children to visit and see them in all their awesomeness in the wild! I loved it!