My first recollection of seeing a herd of elephants was on my 5th birthday.  They were large and grey and not at all like the ‘Dumbo’ images that I had in my head.  My yellow haired doll with her unblinking blue eyes proved to keep my interest more than the elephants.

Looking back, I had not appreciated the freedom of space, the warm breeze caressing my hair and the warmth of the wooden slats toasting my bum and bare legs.  There I was, sitting on the floor of a viewing platform overlooking a water hole in the heart of the Hwange Game Reserve.  The sleeping water reflected the gold trimmed clouds scudding happily across the painted sky.  Noisy doves policed the trees, their melodious calls filling the late afternoon.  Small midges floated and whirled around my face… it was perfect, and yet I kept playing with my doll.

The peaceful afternoon erupted with trumpeting bellows as a small herd of elephants bathed in a warm bronzed glow emerged from the deep shadows in the bush.  I did not watch for more than a few minutes as they did a lumbering shuffle, kicking up clouds of dust making for the water hole.  Enormous, grey and stately: and they were just…there. I did not have any idea on how privileged I was.

Now I have grown and so has my passion for these majestic and gentle giants.  I will never take them for granted again.  I have joined this fight against poaching to spread awareness of their plight, and to make sure our children’s children will be able to see them in the wild.

I would dearly love to be on the ground… but I am not.  I am only doing what I can from afar… but I do do various trips back to Africa through all the different links I have found on the internet, and tonight I am going to take you back to Hwange…help spread the word.. these elephants need friends.

The Presidential Elephant Conservation Project – Hwange

Ele in Hwange


These amazing gentle giants are being poached at an alarming rate.  An estimated 40 000 African elephants are poached every year ……… that amounts to 1 being killed every 15 minutes.  This is a tragic and disturbing statistic: one that I find very difficult to get my head around.

These majestic, intelligent, sentient beings need all the help they can get.  Is an ivory trinket worth the life of one of these magnificent animals? Please click here and read about their incredible dedication and work with the elephant orphans.. left behind.

Elephant eye


Hwange Presidential Herd

Hooray, high fives for these amazing people….where would our wild life be with out them? Read about them below and visit this initiative run by Sharon Pincott on this  face book page .
‘ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. While recently in Bulawayo (300kms away) trying to get 4×4 and computer equipment fixed, I received a phonecall from Forgie Wilson, who is employed by the Painted Dog Conservation Project . The Anti-Poaching Unit had located an elephant – still alive – trapped in a wire snare so thick that not even this strong approximately-5-year-old boy could break the cable to escape. With Greg Rasmussen, from this same project, not available (who you might recall I previously organised to hold extra darting drugs for elephant and other snare removals), Forgie rang for assistance from Brent Staplekamp from the Lion Research project, who raced to assist once again. The elephant was quickly darted and released, having likely been trapped in the snare for some days already. There was one blessing to the thick wire; it hadn’t sliced his leg open like thinner wire would have (but did indeed mean that he couldn’t escape and would have died in this snare, had he not been found). His family was nowhere to be seen – with the destruction around him certain proof of how awful his ordeal must have been. I can only hope that he has by now reunited with his family, whoever he might have been. Although I work alone with the Presidential Elephants, the involvement of other projects with their own Anti-Poaching efforts is of great comfort. The battle to save lives is ongoing – as are the battles for some sanity when it comes to ongoing issues that negatively affect the Presidential Elephants and their land areas. I still have confidence that Minister Kasukuwere will continue to actively help to make things better…’
ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. While recently in Bulawayo (300kms away) trying to get 4x4 and computer equipment fixed, I received a phonecall from Forgie Wilson, who is employed by the Painted Dog Conservation Project . The Anti-Poaching Unit had located an elephant – still alive – trapped in a wire snare so thick that not even this strong approximately-5-year-old boy could break the cable to escape. With Greg Rasmussen, from this same project, not available (who you might recall I previously organised to hold extra darting drugs for elephant and other snare removals), Forgie rang for assistance from Brent Staplekamp from the Lion Research project, who raced to assist once again. The elephant was quickly darted and released, having likely been trapped in the snare for some days already. There was one blessing to the thick wire; it hadn’t sliced his leg open like thinner wire would have (but did indeed mean that he couldn’t escape and would have died in this snare, had he not been found). His family was nowhere to be seen – with the destruction around him certain proof of how awful his ordeal must have been. I can only hope that he has by now reunited with his family, whoever he might have been. Although I work alone with the Presidential Elephants, the involvement of other projects with their own Anti-Poaching efforts is of great comfort. The battle to save lives is ongoing – as are the battles for some sanity when it comes to ongoing issues that negatively affect the Presidential Elephants and their land areas. I still have confidence that Minister Kasukuwere will continue to actively help to make things better…